Lent 2015
Lenten Devotions in the Parish include:
* Friday Devotions in Lent: Each Friday in St John’s at 12 noon.
February 27th Stations of the Cross
March 6th Exposition and Holy Hour.
March 13th Stations of the Cross
March 20th Exposition and Holy Hour
March 27th Stations of the Cross
*The Sacrament of Reconciliation: Confessions will be heard every Saturday in Lent in St Johns from 11.00am to 11.30 am. Confessions will be heard in St Julian’s, in the vestry, every Wednesday from 6pm to 6.30pm.
* Lent Study Group: Beginning on Ash Wednesday, every Wednesday at 3pm in the Rectory at 8 Kilderkin Way, opposite St Julian’s (except for Wednesday 11th March where it will take place at All Hallows convent next to St Julian's). Material will be provided for the reflective study of Lent related topics through Biblical Scripture, Poetry, Prose and pictures.
If you would like to come for this hour long group, just turn up, for one or all the sessions. If you cannot make it to the study group due to other commitments, but would like to study the material at home, please speak to the Rector.
* Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: For those who cannot make it to daytime devotions the Wednesday evening 7.30pm mass at St Julian’s is a good alternative. For Lent there will be a simple half our exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 7.00pm, before the mass.