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What's on

In addition to our regular worship every day, we have a great variety of events throughout the year at which you are always welcome.


Events coming soon include...​


Tuesday 6 August: Feast of the Transfiguration

12 noon Low Mass at St John's

7.30pm Solemn Mass at St John's

Preacher: Fr Peter Varney


Saturday 10 August

12 noon Solemn Mass for the Feast of St Lawrence, attended by the Guild of Servants of the Sanctuary (St Lawrence Chapterat St John's


Thursday 15 August: Feast of the Assumption

12 noon Low Mass at St John's

7.30pm High Mass at St John's, followed by Candlelit Procession through the streets

Drinks follow


Sunday 18 August

Preacher at 11am High Mass: The Revd Atalie Gaines, Chaplain to the Lord Bishop of St Albans


Sunday 8 September: The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

9am Low Mass at St Julian's

11am High Mass at St John's


Sunday 29 September: St Michael and All Angels

9am Low Mass at St Julian's

11am High Mass at St John's

6pm Evening Prayer and Benediction at St John's


Sunday 27 October: Feast of the Dedication of the Church

9am Low Mass at St Julian's

11am Procession and High Mass at St John's

6pm Evening Prayer and Benediction at St John's


Saturday 9 November

7.30pm Concert by 'Cantilena' at St John's

Free admission; retiring collection; drinks follow


Sunday 10 November: Remembrance Sunday

10.55am High Mass of Requiem for the War Dead at St John's

Preacher: The Rt Revd Peter Eagles, formerly Bishop of Sodor and Man (2017-2023), Archdeacon for the Army (2011-2017) and Deputy Chaplain-General of the Royal Army Chaplains' Department (2014-2017)

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© 2024 PCC of St John the Baptist, Timberhill with St Julian, Norwich

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