Holy Week 2017
Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week, is on Sunday 9th April. The Parish mass that day will, as usual, begin half an hour earlier at 10.30am, on Timberhill near to Castle Mall. [weather permitting]. There is no 9.00am mass at St Julian’s today.
Masses in Holy Week
Monday of Holy Week: St Julian’s 10.00 am & St John’s 12 noon.
Tuesday of Holy Week: St John’s 12 noon. Confessions at 10.45.
Wednesday of Holy Week; There is no 12 noon Mass at St John’s. Mass is at St Julian’s at 7.00pm. Confessions from 6.00pm.
Chrism Masses
Wednesday 12th April at 12 noon at the Shrine in Walsingham.
Maundy Thursday at Norwich Cathedral at 11.00am.
Maundy Thursday—13th April
Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7.30pm at St John’s, followed by the watch at the Altar of Repose until midnight. Confessions 6 to 6.30pm.
Good Friday—14th April
The Liturgy of the Passion 2.00pm at St John’s.
Holy Saturday—15th April
Confessions—10.00am till 11.00 at St Johns. There is no mid-day mass.
Easter Vigil 8.30pm at St John’s.
Easter Day—16th April
9.00am Mass at St Julian’s
Procession and High Mass at St John’s at 11.00am.