Carols by Candlelight - 23rd December at 5pm
A traditional service of carols and readings will take place at St Julian's Church at 5pm on Sunday 23rd December. All are welcome at...

Carols by Candlelight - 23rd December at 5pm
A traditional service of carols and readings will take place at St Julian's Church at 5pm on Sunday 23rd December. All are welcome at...

Midnight Mass - 24th December at 11pm
Midnight Mass at St John's Church, Timberhill will commence at 11pm on Monday 24th December. All are welcome.

Midnight Mass - 24th December at 11pm
Midnight Mass at St John's Church, Timberhill will commence at 11pm on Monday 24th December. All are welcome.

Christmas Services 2018
Sunday December 23rd This is the Fourth Sunday of Advent so the the 9am Mass at St Julian’s and the 11.00am Parish Mass at St John’s will...

Christmas Services 2018
Sunday December 23rd This is the Fourth Sunday of Advent so the the 9am Mass at St Julian’s and the 11.00am Parish Mass at St John’s will...

Transgender Day of Remembrance - 20th November 2018 at 7pm
Please join us for a short Service of Remembrance which will take place at St John's Church, Timberhill commencing at 7.00pm....

Transgender Day of Remembrance - 20th November 2018 at 7pm
Please join us for a short Service of Remembrance which will take place at St John's Church, Timberhill commencing at 7.00pm....

Remembrance Sunday - 11th November 2018
Our Parish Mass on Remembrance Sunday, November 11th, will be an Eastward facing High Mass as is our tradition at St John’s, Timberhill....

Remembrance Sunday - 11th November 2018
Our Parish Mass on Remembrance Sunday, November 11th, will be an Eastward facing High Mass as is our tradition at St John’s, Timberhill....