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Lent 2024

'that we may triumph over evil and grow in grace as we prepare to celebrate the Easter mystery with mind and heart renewed'


Lent is a wonderful opportunity for growth and renewal, and we warmly invite you to join us in person or online as we prepare for Holy Week and Easter.


Praying the Rosary

Mondays: 10.30am at St Julian's

In the Rosary we contemplate the mysteries of our salvation.  The simple prayer of the Rosary is offered each Monday through the year at St Julian's.


Lent Lunches

Tuesdays in Lent (from 20 February): 12.30pm at St John's

Lent Lunch follows the 12 noon Mass in St John's on Tuesdays in Lent: soup, bread, fruit, cheese and fellowship.  Donations in aid of the Bishop of Norwich's Lent Appeal, raising money to provide water tanks for ordinands' homes at Newton Theological College in Papua New Guinea.


Holy Hour and Benediction

Thursdays in Lent (from 15 February): from 11am at St John's

A meditation or devotional reading, followed by an hour's silent prayer in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament.  Feel free to come and go during this time.  Benediction is given at 11.50am and Mass follows at 12 noon.


Stations of the Cross

Fridays in Lent (from 16 February): 12 noon at St John's

A weekly journey with our Lord along the Way of Sorrows, seeking to enter into the mystery of his sufferings and to pray for all who suffer with him today.

There'll also be Stations of the Cross at 6pm on Palm Sunday, 24 March (with Benediction), and at 10am on Good Friday, 29 March.


Lent reading group: 'At the Foot of the Cross with Julian of Norwich'

Fridays in Lent (from 16 Feburary): 3pm to 4.30pm on Zoom

The Friends of Julian of Norwich are convening a Lent reading group to discuss Emma Pennington's book At the Foot of the Cross with Julian of Norwich.  Copies (£10) are available at the Julian Centre and from good booksellers.  Find out more here.


'O all ye that pass by': Music for Lent

Saturdays 24 February, 2, 9 and 23 March: 11.25am at St John's

A series of short musical meditations sung by members of Cantilena: the Saint Matthew Passion by Heinrich Schutz, with other Passion music.  Mass follows at noon.


The daily Mass

The heartbeat of our parish life, a vital part of Lent


Sunday: 9am at St Julian's; 11am at St John's

Monday: 10am at St Julian's

Tuesday: 12 noon at St John's

Wednesday: 10am at St Julian's

Thursday: 12 noon at St John's

Friday: 5pm at St Julian's

Saturday: 12 noon at St John's

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The Bishop of Norwich's Lent Appeal


This Lent parishes in the Diocese of Norwich will be helping to raise money to provide water tanks for ordinands' homes at Newton Theological College in Papua New Guinea, with which this Diocese has a longstanding link.


Most of the student houses at Newton College are in great need of refurbishment and nearly all need significant repair, but the primary need is to provide them with clean water from rainwater tanks and to reconnect toilets to septic tanks.


It will cost around PGK 2,000 (around £400) to install a water tank between every two student houses, and the Lent Appeal aims to raise enough to provide 25 tanks between 50 student homes, thus helping ordinands and their families to thrive and supporting the next generation of Christian leaders in Papua New Guinea.


Envelopes for your offerings will be available in church: please return them to us by Low Sunday (7 April) and we'll send off all our gifts together.  Or you can give online here.  Our Lent Lunches on Tuesdays at 12.30pm will also be raising money for the Appeal.

Holy Week preacher: Fr John Gribben CR​


For Holy Week, we will be joined by Fr John Gribben CR, one of the brethren of the Community of the Resurrection whose Mother House is at Mirfield, West Yorkshire.


Fr John will preach each day during Holy Week, guiding us through our celebration of Christ’s Paschal Mystery, and will also hear confessions and meet with parishioners and friends.  We look forward to sharing with him in the greatest week of the year.


Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday, 24 March.

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