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Holy Week & Easter

'Let us go with him in faith and love, so that, united with him in his sufferings, we may share his risen life'


We warmly welcome you to worship with us in Holy Week, the heart of the Christian year and the Christian life.  There are many opportunities for worship and prayer this week to help us all enter into the mystery of the Lord's death and Resurrection and to journey with him to newness of life.


We will be joined by Fr John Gribben CR, one of the brethren of the Community of the Resurrection whose Mother House is at Mirfield, West Yorkshire.  A widely respected preacher, teacher and spiritual guide, he will preach each day during Holy Week, and will also hear confessions and share our common life.


All services are at St John's Timberhill unless otherwise noted.


Sunday 24 March • Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord

9am Blessing of Palms and Low Mass (St Julian’s)

10.30am Procession of Palms and High Mass of the Passion (note early start)

6pm Stations of the Cross and Benediction


Monday 25 March • Monday of Holy Week

10am Low Mass (St Julian’s)

10.30am The Rosary (St Julian’s)

7.30pm Low Mass and Address followed by supper

9pm Compline


Tuesday 26 March • Tuesday of Holy Week

12 noon Low Mass

7.30pm Low Mass and Address followed by supper

9pm Compline


Wednesday 27 March • Wednesday of Holy Week

10am Low Mass (St Julian's)

12 noon The Bishop of Richborough's Chrism Mass (St Mary's Little Walsingham)

7.30pm Low Mass and Address followed by supper

9pm Compline


Thursday 28 March • Maundy Thursday

7.30pm High Mass of the Lord’s Supper

followed by the Watch at the Altar of Repose until midnight


Friday 29 March • Good Friday

9am Office of Readings and Morning Prayer

10am Stations of the Cross

2pm Solemn Liturgy of the Passion and Death of the Lord

8pm Compline (St Julian’s)


Saturday 30 March • Holy Saturday

9am Office of Readings and Morning Prayer

The Resurrection Night

8.30pm The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night, with the First Mass of Easter followed by Easter party


Sunday 31 March • Easter Day

9am Low Mass (St Julian’s)

11am Procession and High Mass followed by drinks and Easter eggs

6pm Evening Prayer and Benediction


Monday 1 April • Easter Monday

10am Low Mass (St Julian’s)

Cell Crucifix.jpg

Confessions before Easter


A priest will be in St John’s to hear Confessions, give spiritual advice and pronounce the forgiveness of sins at the following times before Easter:


Monday 25 March

6.45pm to 7.30pm


Tuesday 26 March

11am to 12 noon

6.45pm to 7.30pm


Wednesday 27 March

6.45pm to 7.30pm


Maundy Thursday

11am to 12 noon


Good Friday

after the 2pm Liturgy


Holy Saturday

2pm to 3pm

5pm to 6pm


‘If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.’ I John 1.9


© PCC of St John the Baptist, Timberhill with St Julian, Norwich 2025

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