We are a lively, diverse, friendly Church of England parish in the heart of historic Norwich, worshipping and serving in the Anglo-Catholic tradition, part of the Diocese of Norwich and under the pastoral care of the Bishop of Richborough. We are a Church Family of all ages and backgrounds, and we seek to offer uplifting worship, support and friendship, opportunities for service, and inspiration for daily living. We try to live and share the 'abundant life' which Jesus came to bring.
Our parish has two churches. The Parish Church is St John's on Timberhill (NR1 3LA). Our other church, internationally-famous, is St Julian's between King Street and Rouen Road (NR1 1QT), which houses the site of the cell in which dwelt the Lady Julian of Norwich, anchoress and visionary, who lived and prayed here for many years. Her Revelations of Divine Love, the earliest surviving book written in English by a woman, has become a spiritual classic known and loved all over the world.
Both our churches are open every day for prayer, quiet and visiting. You are always welcome to come in. St John's is open from 9am to around 5pm from Monday to Saturday and from 9am to 6pm on Sunday. St Julian's is open every day from 9am to 6pm.
We offer public worship every day. On Sundays we celebrate the Mass at 9am at St Julian's and at 11am at St John's, and Evensong is said at 6pm at St John's. We also celebrate Mass every day of the week: click here to see the times.
We are glad to pray for you. Requests for prayer can be left at both churches, and also submitted via this website.
A warm welcome awaits you. Come and join us.